2024/08/01 Important Notice

2024 VIP Sign-Up Promotion

2024 VIP Sign-Up Promotion
2024 VIP會員獎勵
From August 2024 to December 2024

Diamond Package

PRICES & PV▕ 3,299 USD / 1680 PV
PRODUCTS▕ Diamond Package*1 | 2 months supply
(3boxes of CD34 NU Signals、6 boxes of Supertides、4 boxes of PP7)


價格及PV▕ $3,299美元 / 1680PV
產品內容▕ 鑽石套組/ 2個月份量

3-Diamonds VIP Member Sign-Up

CONDITIONCompletion of three diamond memberships by the same person within the same month (unlimited number of sets)
PRICES & PV$9,897 USD / 5040 PV
PRODUCTSTri-Diamonds Package | 6 months Supply
(9 boxes of CD34 NU Signals、18 boxes of Supertides、12 boxes of PP7)
REWARDSTotal Value $2,375 USD (24% off)
1.One free box of CD34 NU Signals, valued at $1,669USD / 0 PV
2.Cash Back Rewards $706 USD


符合條件▕ 同一個月內相同ID完成三個鑽石套組入會(不限組數)
價格及PV▕ $9,897美元/ 5040 PV
產品內容▕ 三個鑽石套組 / 6個月份
獎勵內容▕ 總價值$2,375美元
1.贈送CD34源生訊乙盒,價值$1,669美元 / 0PV

7-Diamonds VIP Member Sign-Up
CONDITIONCompletion of 7 diamond memberships by the same person within the same month (unlimited number of sets)
PRICES & PV $23,093 USD / 11760 PV
PRODUCTS7-Diamonds Package | 14 months Supply
(21 boxes of CD34 NU Signals、42 boxes of Supertides、28 boxes of PP7)
REWARDSTotal Value $8,265 USD (35% off)
  1. 3 free boxes of CD34 NU Signals, valued at $5,007 USD / 0 PV
  2. 2 free Blood Testing, valued at $698 USD
  3. Cash Back Rewards $2,560 USD
符合條件▕ 同一個月內相同ID完成七個鑽石套組入會(不限組數)
價格及PV▕ $23,093美元/ 11760 PV
產品內容▕ 七個鑽石套組 / 14個月份
獎勵內容▕ 總價值$8,265美元
1.贈送CD34源生訊三盒,價值$5,007美元 / 0PV

  1. All prices listed above are exclusive of taxes.
  2. VIP members are required to be U.S. citizens with a valid driver's license or identification card.
  3. VIP members must complete the registration form and provide all necessary information to be eligible for rewards.
  4. The Cash Back Rewards will be transferred two months after the month in which the registration is completed.
  5. Beauty-Stem reserves the right to provide illustrations and details regarding events and their operations.
  1. 以上所有產品價格均為未稅價。
  2. VIP會員必須是美國居民,並持有有效的駕照或身份證。
  3. VIP會員需填寫完成入會資料方可獲得獎勵資格。
  4. 回饋金將於完成入會之月份的下下個月匯款。
  5. 美國百麗絲丹保有最終修改、變更、解釋活動之權利。
