2024/04/25 Important Notice

♡ Mother's Day Deal ♡

♡ Mother's Day Deal ♡
♡ 母親節優惠 ♡

Single Diamond 單鑽入會方案
During the event period, those who purchase the Single Diamond Membership plan will receive the product: PP7 (1 box).
於活動期間購買單鑽入會方案者即可獲得PP7 (1 box)

Tri-Diamonds 三鑽入會方案
During the event period, those who purchase the Tri-Diamonds membership will receive the following: PP7 (3 boxes)
  • Tri-Diamonds members who attend the IBO Blossom Training Camp within 2 months of their purchase will receive an additional CD34 NU-Signals (1 box)
  • Within a six-month period, participating in the IBO Blossom Training Camp twice and achieving a president promotion will entitle Tri-Diamonds members to an additional CD34 NU-Signals (1 box) awarded in the 2nd IBO Blossom Training Camp. The promotion award eligibility will be based on the first member ID within the Three Diamond tier.
於活動期間購買三鑽創業套組入會方案者即可獲得 PP7(3 boxes)
  • 三鑽會員於加入會員後兩個月內, 現場參加新人啟動訓練營即可獲得 CD34 NU-Signals (1 box)
  • 於六個月內參加兩次新人啟動訓練營期間提升會長聘階, 即可再獲得 CD34 NU-Signals (1 box), 升聘領獎資格以三鑽之第一顆會員編號為代表

Win7 Diamonds 七鑽入會方案
During the event period, those who purchase the Win7 Diamond Membership plan (2*Tri-Diamonds + 1 Single Diamond) will receive extra CD34 inspection (2 times).
於活動期間購買Win 7 七鑽入會方案( 2*三鑽方案+1*單鑽方案) 即可獲得額外 CD34 採檢 (*2 次)