2024/04/01 Important Notice

Beauty-Stem US Family Visit Program

Beauty-Stem US Family Visit Program

Summary of the Program 方案概要

Service Recipients: Members of Beauty-Stem US
服務對象: 美國百麗絲丹之美國會員

Service Period: 04/01/2024 - 06/30/2024
服務期間: 04/01/2024 - 06/30/2024

Service Content: Free shipping of Beauty-Stem US's membership packages to Taiwan
服務內容 : 免運費寄送美國百麗絲丹之入會套組至台灣

Recipient Eligibility: Exclusively for blood relatives of Beauty-Stem US members
收件對象: 僅供百麗絲丹之美國會員擁有血緣關係之親人使用

Program Limitations: This program is designed to provide caring services for families and individuals and may not be used for commercial purposes, including purchasing on behalf of others or resale. Violations will result in the cancellation of privileges upon verification.
方案限定: 此方案旨在為家庭和個人提供關愛服務,不得用於代購、轉售等商業行為, 如經查證違規則取消其權利

Company Statement: The company reserves the right to interpret, modify, or terminate this program.
公司聲明: 公司擁有解釋、修改或終止此方案的權利